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(a) What is SOPEP? (b) What are contents of a SOPEP locker? (c) Prepare a Pre- Bunkering checklist.

(a) SOPEP:
Ship board oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP) approved by the flag administration & requiring by every oil danker of 150 GRT & every non-tanker of 400 GRT & over. SOPEP plan is an emergency contrail list & a guideline to recover for emergency situation of oil pollution.
(b) Contents of a SOPEP locker:                                                                                      
1. absorbent roll 2. absorbent pads 3. absorbent granules 4. absorbent materials 5. brooms 6. shovels 7. mops 8. scoops 9. empty receptacles (200 ltrs capacity) 10. portable air driven pumps 11. oil boom 12. oil spill dispersants.                                                           
(c) Pre-Bunker Checklist:                                                                                                                     
1. State of adjacent waters noticed                                                                                                
2. Vessel properly secured to dock                                                                                                
3. Check suppliers product corresponds to ordered product                                                                              

4. Agree quantity to be supplied                                                                                                   
5. Check valves open                                                                                                              
6. Day tanks full and supply valves closed                                                                                             
7. Warning signs in position e.g. No Smoking                                                                     
8. SOPEP plan available                                                                                                                    
9. Clean up material in place                                                                                                                   10. Oil Boom in place                                                                                                                     
11. Foam fire extinguisher placed at bunker station                                                                          
12. Alfa Laval and transfer pumps off                                                                                              
13. Fuel tank supply valves open                                                                                                       
14. Agree stop/start signals between vessel and barge/truck                                                                                 
15. Bravo flag flying/red light showing                                                                                             
16. Agree pumping/transfer rate                                                                                                        
17. Agree emergency shut down procedure                                                                                             18. Specification sheet received                                                                                                           19. Check hose and couplings are secure and in good order                                                                                            
20. Fuel nozzle and hose secured to vessel                                                                                              21. Check barge/truck meters Reading:                                                                                          
22. Check on board meters Reading:                                                                                              
23. Bunker Valve open                                                                                                                             
24. Unused manifold connections blanked off                                                                                                 
25. Master informed                                                                                                                         
26. Signal pumping to commence
The above checklist has to be completely filled religiously by both the ship & barge personnel. Please move on to the next page by clicking below

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