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Fire & Safety related Rules and Regulation

             The IMO requires all ships constructed on or after 1st July, 2002 to install water-based local fire extinguishing system in machinery space where a particularly high risk of fire (main engine, D/G engine, boiler, incinerator, F.O purifier and inert gas generator) with the aim of extinguishing or suppressing fires in their stages. (As CO2 flooding system requires more time to ensure crews safety before discharge). Example:
1)      Hyper mist: The “hyper mist” employs specially developed nozzles operating at high pressure (approx. 5 MPA) to produce super fine particles of mist.
2)      Hyper LP: The “hyper-LP” is also same like above but only pressure is small
(1 MPA)
             (NB: Local fire fighting system hyper mist/hyper-LP will be activated only if two different type fire detectors activated at a same place.)
þ  Fire Pumps: (Requirements):
1.       Fire pumps shall be capable of giving a quantity of water, for fire fighting purpose, at following minimum pressures of;
0.31 N/mm2 for passenger ships of 4000 tons gross tonnage and upwards,
0.27 N/mm2 for passenger ships of 1000 ~ 4000 tons gross tonnage, and
0.27 N/mm2 for cargo ships of 6000 tons gross tonnage and upwards.
2.       For passenger ships, fire pumps shall be capable of giving a quantity of water, for fire fighting purpose, not less than 2/3rd of the quantity given by bilge pumps.
3.       For cargo ships, fire pumps shall be capable of giving a quantity of water, for fire fighting purpose, not Jess than 4/3rd of the quantity given by bilge pumps in a passenger ship of same dimension, provided that total required capacity of fire pumps need not to exceed 180 m3/hr in cargo ship.
4.       At least 3 fire pumps, provided for passenger ships of 4000 tons and upward.
5.       At least 2 fire pumps, provided for cargo ships of 1000 tons and upward.
6.       Sanitary, ballast, bilge or GS pumps may be accepted as fire pumps, provided that they are not normally used for pumping oil fuel, and suitable change-over arrangements are filled if they are subjected to occasional duties for pumping oil fuel.
7.       In cargo ships of 2000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, if fire in any compartment could put all the pumps out of action, there shall be a fixed independently driven
þ  Emergency Fire Pump:
1.        Located outside machinery space.
2.        No direct access permitted between machinery space and space containing Emergency Fire Pump.
3.        Capacity: at least 40% of total capacity of fire pumps, required by regulation, and in no case less than 25 m3/hr.
4.        Pressure: sufficient to supply water of 40 ft horizontal throw, from 2 numbers of ½” dia. water jets, from hoses of standard size and length, which are ‘connected to any part of the ship.
5.        Total suction head and net positive suction head shall be such that, minimum 25 m3/hr capacity, 2 water jets of 40 ft horizontal throw, shall be obtained, under all conditions of list, trim, roll and pitch.
6.        If diesel engine driven:
a)                        It is self-cooled.
b)                        Easily started in cold condition [0°C] by hand cranking.
c)                        Fuel service lank must have sufficient capacity for at least 3-hour operation, full load.
d)                       Sufficient reserves available outside machinery space, for additional 15-hour, full load.
7.      If motor driven:
a)      Two sources of power supply provided.
b)      Power operated emergency fire pump, with source of power and sea connection, must be located outside machinery space.

þ  Bilge Pump: [Capacity]
1.   Sanitary, Ballast and GS pumps, accepted as independent power bilge pumps, if fitted with connections to bilge pumping system.
2.   For passenger ship, at least 3 power pumps fitted, connecting to Bilge Main.
3.   For cargo ships, at least 2 power pumps fitted, connecting to Main Bilge System.
4.   Each lower bilge pump shall be capable of pumping water from Main bilge pipe, at a speed of minimum 2 m2/ sec.
5.   Internal diameter [mm] of Bilge main pipe depends upon, length and breath of ship and moulded depth of the ship to bulkhead deck [metres].
þ  Fire mains, hydrants, fire .hoses and nozzles:
I.    Diameter of fire main and water service pipes, for cargo ships, need only be sufficient for the discharge of 140 m3/hr.
2.   Hydrants shall be positioned near the accesses to the protected spaces and fire hoses may be easily coupled to them.
3.   Standard nozzle size: 12mm, 16mm and 19mm.
4.   For accommodation and service spaces, nozzle size greater than 12mm need not be used.
5.   All nozzles shall be approved, duel purpose type [jet spray] incorporating a shut­-off.
þ  Portable fire extinguishers:
1.   Capacity of portable fire extinguisher: not less than 13.5 litres and not more than 9 litres.
2.   Other extinguisher: at least as portable as 13.5 litres fluid extinguisher and fire extinguishing capability at least equivalent to that of 9 litres fluid extinguisher.
3:   Ships of 1000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, shall carry at least 5 portable fire extinguishers.
4.   In boiler room:
a)   At least 2 portable foam type extinguishers.
b)   At least 1 foam type extinguisher of 1 35 litres capacity minimum, with hoses on reels, reaching any part of boiler room.
c)   A box of 10 ft3 of sand or other approved dry material with scoop.
d)   One set of portable foam applicator unit with one spare 20 litre tank.
5.    in space containing internal combustion machinery:
a)    Sufficient no. of 45 litre capacity foam type extinguishers, to enable foam to be directed onto fuel and LO pressure system, gearing and other fire hazards.
b)    Sufficient no. of portable foam type extinguishers, so located that, there shall be at least 2 such extinguishers within 10- meter walking distance.
6.    In space containing steam turbine:
a)   Sufficient no. of 45-litre capacity foam type extinguishers, to enable foam to he directed onto LO pressure system, turbine casing, gearing and other fire hazards.
b)   However, such extinguishers shall be omitted, if protection is given by fixed installation.
c)   Sufficient no. of portable foam type extinguishers, so located that, there shall be at least 2 such extinguishers within 10- meter walking distance.
þ  Fire control plan:
»     General arrangement plan must be permanently exhibited onboard, for the guidance of officers.
»     Positioned outside the deck house [opposite to gangway of both sides] in a permanently watertight enclosure for assistance of shore fire brigade.
Ø Fire Control Plan includes:
1.      Fire control stations.                                                   
2.      Various fire sections, enclosed by both Class A and Class B divisions.
3.      Particulars of fire detection and alarm system.
4.      Sprinkler installation and fire extinguishing appliance.
5.      Means of escape.
6.      Ventilation system, including positions and numbers of fan controls aid dampers.
ER Fire Fighting Media:
Ø For boiler room:
1.    At least 2 Portable Foam Extinguishers
2.    135 litres Foam Extinguisher
3.    1 Portable Foam Applicator with 20 litres spares tank.
4.    One Sand box with a scoop.
Ø For E/R:
1.   At least I Portable Foam Applicator with 200 lb. spare container.
2.   At least 45 litres Foam Extinguisher
3.   At least 2 Portable Foam Extinguishers shall be placed within, not more than 10 meter walking distance.
Ø For ER Control Room:
    1.  Sufficient number of C02 Portable Fire Extinguishers.
þ  Breathing Apparatus:
Ø  Types:
1.    Self-contained compressed air operated BA set
2.    Smoke Helmet or Smoke Mask BA set
3.    Gas Mask (not fit for fire fighting purpose)
Ø  Self-contained compressed air operated BA set:
1.    Essential outfit for fire fighting.
2.    Can be used in machinery space, but cannot be used in cofferdam (containing flammable gases and liquid).
3.    Consists of 4 main parts;
a)      Face mask with inhaling tube, exhaling valve, harness and visor.
b)      Regulator with pressure gauge and alarm.
c)      Air cylinder with valves and pressure gauge.
d)      Backpack with adjustable harness.
4.    Regulator supplies air on user’s demand with quantity that his respiratory system needed.
5.    Air volume in cylinder being about 1600 litres with 138-bar pressure for 20 min at hard work and 40 min at rest.
6.    Pressure is reduced to 6 bar in Reducing Valve and further reduced to a pressure suitable for the user in Admission Valve.
7.    Alarm will operate when 80% of the cylinder content has been utilized.
Ø  Smoke Mask BA set:
        This simple reliable unit consists of a foot operated bellows connected by hose to a face mask. A harness with lifeline attached accompanies it.

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