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1.      Shall be able to lowered with the ship having up to 20º heel and 10º trim.
2.      Minimum length 4.9 m.
3.      Overload capacity 25 %.
4.      Hoisting speed < 18 m/min. (0.3 m/s)
5.      Lowering speed < 36 m/min.
6.      Must be fitted with comp. ignition engine.
7.      Engine fitted with fire proof casing.
8.      Engine fuel tk capacity 24 HRS.
9.      Sufficient strength to be lowered will full compliment.
10.  Seating provided.
11.  Could be boarded rapidly within 3 min.
12.  Permanently insulated earth connection.
13.  Oil flush point to be 43º C.
14.  Engine will be manually starting or power starting.
15.  Engine will be able to start within 3 min if temp. being - 15º C.
16.  The engine shall be capable of operating for not less than 5 min after starting from cold with the lifeboat out of the water.
17.  The propeller shafting shall be arranged that propeller can be disengaged from the engine. Position shall be made for ahead and astern propulsion of the lifeboat.
18.  The exh. piping shall be arranged as to prevent water from entering the engine in normal operation.
19.  Able to lowered by 2 man within 5 mins.
20.  Maximum capacity should not exceed 150 person. (passenger ship)


Start once/7day, Speed 6 knots, 18 hours running time, Start within 3 minutes, Ahead/astern movement.

·         five-yearly 110% overload tests on lifeboats and davits as required by SOLAS and MODU codes
·         five-yearly 110% on-load lifeboat release and retrieval systems tests (these can be performed by the use of water bags or hydraulic jacks)
·         220%, 150% and 110% overload tests during the installation and commissioning of new or reconditioned lifeboats, davits and winches.
·         A control manifold and pumping system is used to remotely fill and drain the water bags
·         Loading is measured and verified by means of a calibrated flowmeter.


App1.3.1 Annual operational testing should preferably be done by lowering the empty boat. When the boat has reached its maximum lowering speed and before the boat enters the water, the brake should be abruptly applied.
App1.3.2 The five-year operational test should be done by lowering the boat loaded to a proof load equal to 1.1 times the weight of the survival craft or rescue boat and its full complement of persons and equipment, or equivalent load. When the boat has reached its maximum lowering speed and before the boat enters the water, the brake should be abruptly applied.
App1.3.3 Following these tests, the brake pads and stressed structural parts should be re-inspected.
Note: In loading the boat for this test, precautions should be taken to ensure that the stability of the boat is not adversely affected by free surface effects or the raising of the centre of gravity.
App1.3.4 In addition to the dynamic winch brake test under App1.3.2 for the secondary launching system of freefall lifeboats, every freefall lifeboat shall be free fall launched every 5 years loaded to a proof load equal to 1.1 times the weight of the freefall boat and its full complement of persons and equipment.
If the boat is launched unmanned without use of its own release system, the release system has to load- tested separately.

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