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Tonnage definition: 

  1. Gross tonnage: The total of the under decks tonnage and the tonnage of any twin deck space between the 2nd and upper decks, any enclosed spaces above the upper deck, any excess of hatchway over 0.5% of the gross tonnage and optionally any engine light and air spaces on or above the upper deck. 
  2. Net tonnage: A measure of the useful capacity of a ship. It has been found by deducting the volume of spaces necessary for the propulsion and operation of the ship. E.g. accommodation, equipment and machinery spaces from the gross tonnage.
  3. Light weight: The mass of empty ship without cargo, fuel, stores, water, crew and their effects.
  4. Dead weight: The mass of cargo, water, stores etc a ship carry & measured in tonnage. The dead weight is difference between displacement and light weight.
  5. Displacement: The mass of the ship and everything it contains. Or the mass of water displaced by a floating ship, measured in tonnage.
 Displacement = light weight + dead weight.

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