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What is the procedure of setting the Economizer Safety Valves?

1.       Without Compression Rings, Hoods and Easing Gears, reassembled the Safety Valve.
2.       Set the compression screw (nut) few turn more than the previous setting.
3.       Close the Exhaust Gas Boiler steam outlet valve (use reducing v/v) to raise the pressure in the boiler up to the set pressure.(desired blow off pressure)
4.       Slacken the compression screw (nut) until v/v lifts.
5.       If the valve does not lift at the correct pressure reduce the pressure and adjust the spring tension by compression nut.
6.        Carry out the above mentioned procedure until valve lifts at correct pressure.
7.       Open steam valve fully (or use reducing v/v to lower the pressure) when safety valve lifts.
8.       Measure the distance between the compression ring and valve body.
9.       Change the gag over to set the other safety valve using the above mentioned procedure.
10.   After both valves are set, release pressure and fit spacer rings beneath compression ring.
11.   Replace easing gear and lock top cover to prevent spring adjustment.
12.   Record the valves of the safety valve in the engine log book and prepare statement for the Classification society.
            NB: Set pressure should be above feed pump relief pressure but at or below the economizer maximum allowable working pressure as listed in the E-Tech proposal.

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