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What will your action in case of fire ?

If the fire is small - 
(a)  raise the alarm and shout fire.
(b) be confirmed about type, source & location of fire
(c)  inform bridge
(d) (inform local fire station if ship is in port)
(e)  remove any combustible material near the fire place
(f)   stop fans & dampers
(g)  isolate any oil line leading the fire
(h) if it is electrical fire, isolate the power supply of that equipment
(i)     if I think that I can fight by myself, then I will take portable proper fire extinguisher by this time I may get supporting hand.
If fire out of control -
(a)   raise the fire alarm
(b) evacuate the E/R & count head
(c)  shut all ventilators
(d) stop all machinery and close by quick closing v/v
(e)  operate CO2 flooding system by C/E or ( 2/E in order by C/E)
(f)   continue boundary cooling of all tks

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