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Check on steering gear before departure

Within 12 hours before departure on a sea-voyage, following systems to be checked & tested:
a)     Main steering gear and system
b)    Auxiliary steering gear and system
c)     The remote control systems of steering gear
d)    The steering position indicator on the navigation bridge
e)     The emergency power supply to one of the steering unit
f)      The rudder angle indicators showing actual position of the rudder
g)     Power failure alarms for the remote steering gear control system
h)    Power unit failure alarms for the steering gear unit
i)       Automatic isolating arrangements and other automatic equipment.


Following listed procedure must be included along with the check and tests described above:
1. The full movement of the rudder as per the required capabilities of the steering gear system present onboard.
2. A visual inspection of all the linkages and connection in the steering gear.
3. The means of communication between the steering gear room and navigational bridge must always be operational.

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